Overview in Google Maps

You'll find detailed information to the national parks on the sites of the national park service, here and here. Via a search engine, you'll find lots of additional information (Wiki, ...).

Information about...

California, west coast

Death Valley

Joshua Tree NP

Los Angeles

Napa Valley

Route No. 1

San Francisco

Yosemite NP

Las Vegas

Grand Canyon and surroundings (Arizona, Utah)

North rim

South rim

Western part

Route 66

Lake Powell (Glen Canyon)

Northeastern part of Utah - Arches NP, Canyonlands, Natural Bridges

Arches NP

Canyonlands, Islands in the Sky

Canyonlands, Needles

Canyonlands, The Maze

Natural Bridges

Utah, all the others

Bryce Canyon

Capitol Reef NP, Escalante

Monument Valley

Zion NP



East coast



California, west coast

Here you'll find - without the Death Valley NP - a good infrastructure. The road network is excellent, but there's mostly heavy traffic.

Highlights: Death Valley NP, Los Angeles, Napa Valley, Route No. 1, Route 66, San Francisco, Yosemite NP, Joshua Tree NP

Las Vegas

Up to now, we slept for some days in Las Vegas every time we were in the U.S.. That is a great contrast to all the national parks! At weekdays, you'll get luxuriously suites for a very competitive price. But you should avoid weekends and holidays!

Next town: Las Vegas, NV

Highlights: Several of the big casinos offer visual highlights, adventure and shows. Several global super stars here found a new homebase.
You should visit at least one casino, and you should try to play for money - but do not take more money with you than you are willingly to loose (and do not take credit cards with you)! ;-)

You should visit the strip at day and at night!

Restaurants: There are several great buffets for a very reasonable price. At the Circus Circus, it is particularly affordable, the MGM offers much more quality. Our clear favorite is the Spice Market Buffet in the Planet Hollywood (in the past, this was the Aladdin)!

Hotels: Here you can find some of the greatest hotels of the world, often with more than 6,000 beds. Ad weekdays, the well known hotels (Stratosphere, Luxor, Circus Circus, Mirage, Hilton, ...) do offer very comprehensive prices - de luxe can be expected in all this hotels. At weekends or in the holiday season, the prices can rise dramatically - you should try to avoid this times!
I recommend to select a hotel close to the strip or at least close to the Las Vegas Monorail! In summer, the temperatures can be very high (often above 100°F) so you will not want to walk too much...

Best season: October up to May. In the summer season, it can become extremely hot and you will not want to leave the rooms with A.C.!

Next highlights: Death Valley, Zion NP, Grand Canyon north rim, Grand Canyon south rim, Grand Canyon west rim. Route 66, Los Angeles

Documented: 2005, 2007, 2008, 2013


Grand Canyon and surroundings (Arizona, Utah)

Here, you'll find the most spectacular national parks! The region is thinly populated, so you'll find a good infrastructure only close to the popular national parks. Lots of the highlights are located in Native American reservations.
The road network is very good, there's not too much traffic. But in the high season, close to the national parks it can get lousy! If a road is closed, there's often no detour - enormous diversions are possible. Since the plateau is on an elevation of 6,000-7,000 feet, the temperatures are fair even in midsummer. But you should be careful: The solar radiation is awfully strong! In the winter season, you could encounter a blizzard what often makes the roads impassable. We've seen more then ten feet of snow...
There's a quite interesting site with lots of tips for hiking and camping in the Grand Canyon!

Highlights: North rim, south rim, west rim, Route 66, Lake Powell (Glen Canyon)

Northeastern part of Utah - Arches NP, Canyonlands, Natural Bridges

The region around Moab, UT is thinly populated, but you can find five national parks and lots of other attractions. In Moab, they offer extracurricular activities for a whole holiday! If you do like the adventure, you should come to here!

Highlights: Arches NP, Canyonlands, Islands in the Sky, Canyonlands, Needles, Canyonlands, The Maze, Natural Bridges

Utah, all the others

Utah doesn't consist only of the Arches and Canyonlands - other parts of this beautiful country do also offer attractive national parks! Those are not as spectacular as the national parks near Moab, but most of them are less overcrowded. Most of them are located in uninhabited regions, so sometimes one can have the (mostly very good) roads on its own!

Highlights:Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef NP, Escalante, Monument Valley, Zion NP

Overview in Google Maps

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